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Tuesday, December 01, 2009


So much for academic peer review.  Intellectual integrity hasn't been doing well at all in the hallowed halls.  The “experts” on whom so many have relied are, quite simply, whores who have rented their status for wealth and privilege.  Worse, they've swindled taxpayers, crippled enterprise and conspired with politicians to strip us of our nationhood.  In the process they've hidden, falsified, distorted, deleted and destroyed evidence -evidence belonging to the public – to hide the truth from us and to protect their own scam.  Peer-reviewed science seems to accept and condone thinking up a convenient conclusion and then doctoring the evidence to support it.  Obviously, the Ph.D. that Ed Begley, Jr., requires as the seal of approval doesn’t mean much any more.


Make no mistake:  this isn’t just about a hacker getting the goods and the public having at another titillating bit of “gotcha” gossip.  This involves the blacklisting of innocent, honest professionals whose expertise and integrity led them to question the “accepted science”, the destruction of their careers, a tremendous loss of income, and of the value of their knowledge and service to the rest of us.  This is about psychological abuse of the public, especially children.  It is about depriving America of the means to emerge from an economic meltdown – indeed, it prescribes economic meltdown.  The heretofore unchallenged proponents of this monster scheme include people of the caliber of Prince Phillip, whose ideal would involve himself being reincarnated as a killer virus in order to rid the world of its human population.  Can you imagine a bit of human misery there? 


Well, you can just say that the Prince is obviously a madman, and you’d be right, but we can’t just dismiss him and his fellow-travelers that easily, for there’s Copenhagen, you see.  And in Copenhagen the leaders of the world, including Barack Obama, will convene next week to sort us all out.  Indeed, Obama is prepared, in the face of this revelation of the deception behind the summit itself, to submit, on our behalf (and without our say-so) a 17% reduction (below 2005 levels) in carbon emission.  The plan he’s offering us up for is to end with an 83% reduction by 2050, with little mileposts along the way.  He has no plans to alter his course based on the facts as we now know them.  I think we can all understand the interest of the Third World leadership in this program – none of it comes out of their pockets and they make a killing at our expense. 


The purpose of Copenhagen has, all along, had nothing to do with our planet’s climate, only the distribution of wealth and power on our planet.  This is a criminal abuse of science and of decent people in order to create “global governance”.  Don’t laugh.  The plan is to create a very small committee of elites who will override national governments and laws in order to promote an agenda of their own.  Part of this is the “climate change” scare.  Other elements include UNCRC (Council on Rights of the Child), banking schemes and others.  And no one gets to vote on these guys.


Does it seem strange to anyone else that our “leadership”, whether we’re talking about the executive or the legislative branch, have gone off on such a tear?  The input and opinions of the people who sent them to Washington to serve have become irrelevant at best and a hindrance to their plans and totally expendable at worst.  Our Constitution is “a restrictive document”.  With incredible arrogance, our own leaders have abused their power.


In order to do this they've been willing to ruin anyone who took exception to their spurious data, methods or conclusions.  Never in recorded history have we witnessed a swindle of these dimensions.  Had this lie not been exposed, we would have been led, unknowingly, as sheep to the slaughter, sacrificed to the evil fabrication.  Our industries and businesses would have been shuttered, our mineral resources left undeveloped while we went without food and fuel.  Every man, woman and child in America would be impacted.  Our right to sell our home, how we run a business, what kind of light bulb we can use, how we set our thermostat, what transportation we’re allowed, all this an more would be decided by this little foreign aristocracy.  The hardest hit would have been the world's poorest people.  The cost of this lie in human loss and misery is beyond calculation. (And by the way,  it’s still the plan.)


This isn't just any old scandal.  This is a major earthquake, shattering the very foundation of the greatest issue of our time.  Just think of it!  These perpetrators have smeared honest scientists and destroyed legitimate professional careers.  They've suppressed vital data, in violation of law. They've been instrumental in imposing unreasonable and unwarranted regulation which has halted progress, precluded exploration and innovation, they have persuaded public servants to join them by misleading the honest ones and corrupting the rest.  They have exploited the innocence and best intentions of children and they have nearly destroyed civilization as we know it.  We have come very close to losing our nation’s sovereignty.  There is no way to calculate the damage these self-appointed “authorities” have caused.  Does sufficient punishment exist for this malevolence?


At the lease, everyone knowingly participating in this criminal “movement” must be identified, charged and tried.  As of this wee, no one can claim the defense of ignorance. Treason is not to great a charge here.  Anyone who does not disavow this unconscionable deception and shun the imposters – including Al Gore and the “experts” of East Anglia University, Penn State and any of this residue left in the Obama government needs to be included among those brought to justice.  We need to support the satisfaction of those whose careers have been limited and harmed by these charlatans, who have suffered losses due to the slander and libel.


And after we take care of this business, we need to take a close, careful look at where these people have been leading us.  Why do they think our Constitution is too restrictive?  Why do they hide from us and refuse to take questions at town hall meetings?  Why do they need so badly to manipulate the information we receive?  Why is it, exactly, that they can’t afford to let us have First Amendment freedom of our radio airwaves or our internet?  Is it because Americans are just too damn difficult to control?


It is to be fervently hoped that all Americans who value truth and honesty, regardless of their former convictions, regardless of their denominations or party affiliations, regardless of their commitment to the leadership, will sit down tonight and write letters to our delegations and our president, demanding that action be taken to punish this corruption, prevent it from succeeding in affecting policy or law in America and reinstituting integrity and open investigation of scientific data, not just by “approved” experts but by all of us.  Further, we must demand an end to the circus of Copenhagen.


Sally Morris is a member of Americans for Constitutional Government

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