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Wednesday, January 06, 2021


I waited to post anything today until I had time to see how things developed in Washington and what it all seems to mean.  I watched Mo Brooks address the gathering crowd, revving them up finally with the battle cry, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”   Later we watched Trump in front of his troops of his citizen army - he laid blame where, in truth, it belongs - on weakling traitors like Raffensperger and Kemp, he lamented the loss of the two Senate seats in Georgia and he called upon his Vice President, Pence, whom he has buoyed up for four years, to act with courage and save the situation.  Of course Pence folded like a cheap paper napkin.  


As far as Pence is concerned, my own view was from the beginning that he was an extremely poor choice for a Vice President - he had already demonstrated noodle-like weakness when, as Governor of Indiana,  he vetoed a bill from his legislature intended to protect the unborn, bowing instead to the pressure from pro-abortion groups.  From that point on I have personally had nothing but disdain and contempt for Mr. Pence.  Only a fly could really find Pence palatable.


It was no surprise to me that he dumped Trump.  And I think Trump had a whiff of it a couple of nights ago when he addressed the Dalton, Georgia, rally for Loeffler and Perdue.  He at least hinted at it.  Then the weird tweet from Chuck Grassley that he would be presiding because they “didn’t expect Pence would be there”.  We all smelled a rat there.  Then Pence’s trip to Israel was cancelled - “quietly”.  It was to be a “farewell visit”.  So did that mean Trump was not saying “farewell” at all?  Or did it mean Pence was in the dumpster?   Unfortunately, it appears, neither.  Trump appears poised to bid us farewell and Pence actually showed up for his swan song in American politics.  Too bad.  Of all of Trump’s poor choices of appointments to office, Pence had to be the worst of the lot - the maraschino cherry plopped on top of the whipped cream of his hot fudge sundae. (Be honest - didn't you kind of wish that it was Vice President Pompeo there today?)


Pence might just as well have played his special card and read out the Republican electors from Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Nevada and wherever else applies.  What would have been the fallout?  Well, a lot of huff and puff and outrage.  A lot of seedy Democrats would have castigated him and called him a “fascist”.  In other words, just another day.  But he could have said, “Hey, if you don’t like this, there is a Constitutional remedy!  Just take this down the street to the Supreme Court!  Maybe you will have more luck than we did.  Maybe they will finally look at the evidence.”  He might or might not have prevailed, but he would have made a stand.  Instead he acted like a hall tree, woodenly calling out, like a recording, the script.  


Then this Kabuki theater was disrupted by a “bomb threat” which caused everyone to evacuate the upper floors for the basement (of which we heard no more, by the way - perhaps a high school prank by someone bored with distance learning) and the surprise subsequent “storming of the Capitol".  Which turned out to be someone who broke a window allowing everyone to come in, a bit like the kid holding the back door open to let the rest in at the old movie theater.  I saw a video of these “stormers” and they were carefully strolling within the aisle created by two velvet rope “barricades”.  They wandered in, phone cameras aimed at the artwork, necks craned, eyes raised to take in the dome with ooh’s and aah’s.  They looked like tourists as I recalled from 50 years ago, when I first saw the inside of the White House, maybe less well-dressed.  They were nothing if not awe-struck tourists.  In other words, not a force “storming” the chambers of the Capitol building.  The ceremonial choreography of Congress went into “recess” while the “storming” took place.  One wonders what Dolley Madison would have done - instead of grabbing the portrait of General Washington from the wall in haste, the flames licking at her skirts, she’d have had time to go back for the silver.  And it would have been a good move.  And after all, citizens kind of have a right to have a look at the Capitol, inasmuch as they pay the mortgage and the light bill on it.  They probably would like to see the carpet they've had installed there.

So, what did it all mean?  Hundreds of thousands of Americans who love their country enough to travel thousands of miles to stand in the cold and be abused by police and ignored by politicians, made their way to the nation’s capital for one reason only - to express their outrage and disgust with the brazen theft of their election and to show solidarity with the principle of American freedom.  They didn’t carry baseball bats, spray paint or molotov cocktails, they carried American flags and extra supplies of water (not frozen) for anyone who might need it.  All they lacked was lawn chairs.  This didn’t prevent Mayor Muriel Bowser’s brownshirts and the National Guard from coming out and thus tarnishing their reputation with their greatest fans and supporters by shoving them around, tear gassing them and herding them off of the People’s lawn.  Sadly, one person was shot and, reportedly, later died but we have no information about her at this point - who she was, whom she was with, nothing yet.


So ended the Great American Rebellion of 2021.  Or is it just intermission?  One correspondent has told us he estimated somewhere in the neighborhood of at least a million in attendance.  Will this impress anyone on Capitol Hill?  This remains to be seen.  Some of us are skeptical.  Will the evidence presented embarrass or perhaps shock some RINOs and Democrats who still have some conscience to drive them to vote to accept the alternate electors?  We shall see.   One of our sunshine patriots, newly dumped Kelly Loeffler, having day before yesterday finally said she would support challenging the illegtimate electors, opportunistically latched onto the excuse provided by these "stormers" to reverse course (well, let's be honest, she would have anyway, she's a Kemp plant) and vote against the challenge.  One excuse is as good as another if you are looking for a way to duck and run.  I suppose that affords us a bright spot - she won't be around too long now.  And what will be the next 4D chess move?  


There is still time for you to at least register your opinion with your elected representatives in Washington and I strongly would urge that you do so.  We know what the evidence tells us - we are not idiots and we weren’t born this morning.  We can see a swindle when it is in front of us, undisguised.  Hell, we saw it again last night in Georgia.  Republican candidates ahead, counting stops, suddenly the picture changes.  Dominion voting machines in use.  You could never get by with that for a second season on the Orpheum Circuit.  Just give the bastards a call and let them know what you think.  Like it or not, you still count.  Here’s the number (again) 202-224-3121 - the Congressional switchboard.  Wear it out.  

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Marvelous piece.

Dennis Stillings on January 7, 2021 at 06:11 pm
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