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This Month's Dakota Beacon





Steve Cates
Rush Limbaugh: Nothing But Speculation About Palin

Regardless of what Sarah Palin is up to….....The elites are still scarred witless of her. Limbaugh’s only known public discussion of Palin’s move…....

Steve Cates
Obama: Propaganda On Parade

Obama’s Healthcare Propaganda Event: The Staged Hug

Steve Cates
So…..How is that Hope and Change Going For You Anyway?

Quite a summary of the Obamanation of America thus far…...is your seatbelt buckled?

Steve Cates
The Carbonated Congress of Corporate Welfare

President Obama is calling the climate bill that the House passed last week an “extraordinary” achievement, and so it is. The 1,200-page wonder manages the supreme feat of being both hugely expensive while doing almost nothing to reduce carbon emissions. To get this monstrosity over the finish line lots of taxpayer money was given away. Is Senator Dorgan outraged? Is Senator Conrad? Fighting for North Dakota takes the form of SILENCE.

Steve Cates
Remembering What the Declaration of Independence is Not

Another great Bruce Walker article: When we celebrate the Fourth of July, we are celebrating one of the most important political documents in the history of the world.  The Declaration is a statement to the world—the people of the world was the audience—about the very nature of government and its relationship to men.  Sometimes we appreciate what this document was, but perhaps we need even more to appreciate what it was not.

Did they (the fugitives) think they were in Barney Fife country?

Alabama fugitive capture causes a little North Dakota pride….then…heartburn.


Selwyn Duke
Selwyn Duke: The Ugly Face behind the Mask of Liberalism


Obama has sided with a thug, a man who — for completely self-serving reasons — sought to subvert his nation’s constitution.  Obama has sided with a man who — like Pancho Villa on a cross-border raid — lead a mob in an effort to execute this illegal scheme.  And Obama does this while paying lip service to democracy, even as he imperils it; he claims to stand for freedom, even while supporting those who would extinguish it.  It is un-American.  It is ugly.  It is, in a word, evil.

Steve Cates
Who is Most Responsible For The Collapsed World Economy?

Who Tried to Stop the Debacle? Who Pushed Us Over the Edge?

The real history, not that bologna on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT, etc., or any other official US Government controled news outlets.


Steve Cates
Quiz: Who Is The Mystery Ruler?

See how well you know your history and politics. What is your political science I.Q.?


Steve Cates
Cap and Trade Dementia

The Obama-backed, House-passed bill is economically suicidal and scientifically grossly irresponsible. Its only justification is as a Democrat, left-liberal power grab.

Will Senators Dorgan and Conrad fight for North Dakota or Al Gore and Obama?


Steve Cates
What More Can Be Said?

Michael Ramirez sums it up….Some pictures are worth a million words…...Will Obama’s words cost any lives in Honduras? A pattern seems to be emerging…...Republicans are the enemy of America…..Tyrants are our friends?


Steve Cates
Who Is Telling the Truth About North Dakota’s Political Blogs?

North Dakota bloggers have made big claims of significance. It is hard to truly gauge “Influence” but, the numbers are somewhat indicative.


Steve Cates
The Claim of the “Evil Eye”? or: It’s a Mad, Mad World?

Does President Obama have a menacing “Evil Eye” reserved for uncooperative media types and leaders who are not socialists or despots?

For Hugo Chavez? The King of Saudi Arabia?


Steve Cates
Outrage! British Columnist Disrespects American President!

Gerald Warner of the UK Telegraph asks: "Barack Obama and the CIA: why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?"

Steve Cates
Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Overturned!

  It becomes more evident that Sonia Sotomayer is intellectually crippled by her predilection to view legal matters through a racial lens. Are Senators Conrad and Dorgan paying attention?

Dennis Patrick
Cap and Trade…....Again

Protecting Planet Earth from the fiction of manmade climate change becomes surreal. Belief in government’s magical solutions to any presumed problems was identified by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan as “the leakage of reality from American life.

Steve Cates
Will Senator Dorgan Really Fight For North Dakota?

Will the ND Senator call “Global Warming” the scam that it is and protect the state’s economy? Will he be mute and claim that his no vote was fighting? Always follow the money. Always.


Britney and the Alerus Center Mystery

It is a bit of a mystery why Spears is coming to Grand Forks.


Steve Cates
Proof of economic recovery

Recession over? Here is the proof.


Steve Cates
Dorgan supporting Socialized Medicine? Conrad not sure?

Will moonbat socialists vs. nut-job liberals stop healthcare reform?


Dennis Patrick
The Waiting Game

It’s highly improbable anyone can do anything about the impending economic demise or expanding restriction on freedom at this time. Those who object to the current malaise have little choice but to wait to “make a difference.” Besides, Obama has repeatedly promised that the situation will get worse before it gets better.

Selwyn Duke
Which Side Really Inspires Violence, the Right or Left?

At the end of the day, one who speaks the Truth may inspire violence against livers of lies just as one who speaks lies may inspire violence against the tellers of Truth.  But this isn’t the fault of the Truth; it simply means that society needs more of it.

Dennis Patrick
Managing The Auto Industry

It’s obvious there is no exit strategy that will move the government out of ownership of Chrysler, GM or any other business taken over by the feds. The opposite is more likely. The parasite state-run economy will be looking for a new host.
As the saying goes, “You pays your money and takes your choice.” America chose “Hope and Change” and we’ll be paying the bill for generations to come.

Bruce Walker
The Murder Of Civil Life

Civil life has died.  More specifically, it has been murdered by those who find no meaning in life and no purpose for existence.

Looking Back From The Left Coast 06-19-09

North Dakota’s surplus generates derision and demands


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