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Wednesday, November 04, 2009


There will be no cost of living increase for Social Security. Its going broke and has no trust fund. The Socialist Democratic Party also wants to gut Medicare to start up socialized medicine. What government gives, it eventually rations and then takes away as money dries up and political priorities shift.


Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Freddie and Fannie are bankrupt. Socialized medicine was bankrupt before the debate began. The welfare state is bankrupt. Democrats are using Marxist tactics like blaming the chaos they created on freedom, capitalism, and the ‘rich’.

Self reliance and capitalism are the best poverty fighters tried by mankind. Capitalism works whenever it’s allowed to flourish. Democrat welfare programs have created only poverty through dependence on government and unemployment through higher taxes. Welfare has destroyed families and ravaged entire communities while keeping people in poverty for generations (hitting minorities the hardest). The Democrat’s war on poverty is looking more like a war on self reliance, prosperity and freedom.


We enjoy it when politicians pander to our envy of the wealthy and attack profits and so-called ‘corporate greed’. It sounds justified when politicians promise to take the ‘excesses’ of the wealthy to provide us with the necessities of life. Mass murdering liberal idols like Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro and White House favorite Mao Zedong (who murdered 30 million people) rose to power on this promise. They promised to eradicate poverty if everyone traded freedom for dependence.


Margaret Thatcher said it best ‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money’.  In the end, the political elite gain wealth and power while all the rest live in abject poverty and misery with no way out. Dependence on government inevitably leads to bondage and destitution. Socialism has failed all but politicians every time it’s been tried. The promises politicians make with the wealth and property of others are never kept.


It’s conceivable that our politicians really are this ignorant and incompetent, but at some point we must consider the possibility that they know what they are doing, this is by design and they are evil.

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The embrace of Obamacare by many in the clergy proves that many “supporters” of socialism are just ignorant, confusing taxes with tithes, however different the outcomes. The actions of President Obama in Afghanistan in the last weeks however, proves that power is the goal, no matter how corrupt the methods are to achieve it. Afghani-American Hamid Karzai saw a “way to wealth and power” and fulfilled his dreams…at the expense of the Afghan people and their future! President Obama this week is accomplishing the same thing through congress; it’s called “Health Insurance Reform”...its really the pavement of the road to socialism right here in the USA! Both Karzai and our President must be brought to heel by the populace of each respective country. Wake up America!

Lynn Bergman on November 5, 2009 at 05:08 pm
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