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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Picking the right word to explain manmade climate change is tough. Ruse. Charade. Fraud. Scary. Sham. Bogus. Deceit. Ploy. Trick. Phony.

Belief that infinitesimally small man can change climate is the height of conceit.

However, it’s not difficult to state the plight of the crusade. Failure. The crusade is falling faster than the temperature is rising.

TV and radio ads to the contrary, more and more people repudiate the so called “green revolution.” Carbon trading and investments in “green” companies are down. Most people reject CO2 cap and trade legislation once they grasp the intent. Healthy skepticism replaces blind optimism.

Why? Could it be that scandal after scandal has rocked the cause? That the data underlying public policy is fake?

It’s a shame Americans must rely on the foreign press for stories the U.S. mainstream media won’t cover. Yet, what other option is there?

The U.K. “Guardian,” usually an advocate for the manmade global warming scenario, found reason for hesitation recently.

Phil Jones, director of the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University, was relieved for suppressing the work of skeptics and critics.

The “Guardian” found serious flaws in major data contributions from Chinese weather stations and further discovered principle research documents were missing.

There’s more deception on the ugly global warming con job.

--The United Nations claim that all Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 was based on one non-scientist’s fiction.

--Researchers, scanning global temperatures over the last half of the 20th century, had cherry-picked dates for record temperatures.

--The UN incorrectly identified global warming as linked to the rising cost of natural disasters.

The list goes on. A web site that tabulates the ongoing string of stories highlighting the dishonesty of manmade climate change is found at http://www.climatedepot.com/.

Nevertheless, Obama administration apologists maintain a stiff upper lip. NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco quickly pointed out that “weather is not the same as climate.” Duh, like, freedom is not slavery and war is not peace. Phil Jones, one of the architects of the scandal, recanted and said there was no global warming in the last 15 years. Yet, NOAA maintains that 1998 was the hottest year on record.

Lubchenco sticks to the manmade climate change hoax even when the promulgators of false data on which the deception was based admitted error. There is a word for public policy based on dogma. Propaganda.

That mankind is warming the planet through his activities is pure speculation elevated to the level of scientific fact.

For congress, state legislatures and public schools, the belief in manmade climate change has imposed a decade-long intellectual straight jacket on our thinking about environmental stewardship. As an article of faith, it was settled science because Nobel Peace Prize recipient Al Gore said so. No questions asked.

No one disputes that we should be ever vigilant in our monitoring of air and water pollution. But conservation and good stewardship of natural resources rejects the fantasy of manmade climate change.

And to think that Congressman Earl Pomeroy committed North Dakota to cap and trade legislation predicated on bogus manmade climate change data!

No sane person would hold up the cadre of manmade climate change proponents as scions of Character Counts.

Smart people are backing away from the fraud and deception of falsified data. Only politicians and stubborn ideological nitwits chase that myth and illusion.

The bloom is off the rose. Time to call a time-out on anything alleging manmade climate change. Use that time to separate climate from left-wing liberal politics.

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