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Wednesday, March 23, 2016


During the past year high school fight clubs made the news. Some clubs had existed for years. Others were conducted unbeknownst to parents and school officials. As expected, the media generated a public outcry.

Times have changed. Once upon a time schools hosted boxing teams and the YMCA sponsored Golden Gloves competition. Gym coaches kept a couple of pair of sixteen ounce boxing gloves in his office.

Slowly, America became a nation of wusses. Now slowly, quietly there is a growing awareness by more and more people of the social harm inflicted by radical feminists and the political correctness crowd. By design, American young men are losing their toughness, their masculinity, their sense of manliness. Men become wusses when they are conditioned to think, act and feel like women. If ever an idea had consequences, this is an excellent example.

A peculiar vernacular crept into our language. Some people derisively call the feminization of men the “chickification” of America. They allude to a generation of feminized men as the “new American castrati” and “girlie men.” The Peter-Pan syndrome has produced more than our fair share of ineffectual schlubs.

During the 1960s heyday of the feminist movement radical activists challenged the social order asserting their hatred and resentment (accurate terms) of men. Change ensued with the advent of a new social order codified by government laws and regulations.

In public schools various programs tend to obliterate all things masculine and establish femininity as the norm. It is fashionable to attribute pathology to countless healthy young males. A simple truth is forgotten: the energy, competitiveness and daring of healthy young men was responsible for what is right in the world. Of course boys require discipline and moral guidance to check their natural aggressiveness. But, they don’t need to be feminized or pathologized.

Exposure to denigrated masculinity in schools is reinforced on TV. Time and again TV programs explicitly detail the softer side of men. The subtle message? It is okay that on the inside boys feel a little bit like girls placing feelings over achievement.

So-called gender equity is now the rule where boys and girls are regarded as equivalent. According to wussifying psychobabble, boys must engage in dialog and be taught to express their feelings. Boys must have closure with issues. Boys especially must be taught conflict resolution. Whatever happened to the 16-ounce boxing gloves in the coach’s office or the barracks?

We live in a danger-averse world where even tag and dodge ball are viewed cynically. No tongue in cheek, the National PTA recommends doing away with competitive “tug of war” replacing it with non-competitive “tug of peace.” Allegedly, competition may damage “self-esteem.”

Social models devaluing maleness while portraying women more like men are firmly acclaimed. When masculinity is “officially” lampooned, ridiculed and made fun of as a matter of public policy, men eventually capitulate -- or rebel.

Has anyone seen a sillly TV commercial depicting a woman as a “dumb blond?” Belittle women in the same manner that men are made to look stupid and inept and watch the fur fly.

In years past, men were taught to respect women. Today, institutionalized belittling of men is the norm. Deferring to a woman by holding a door, letting her pass first or holding a chair is deemed “sexist.” Rebuff is the reward for politeness and courtesy.

Even the military is not exempt from wussification. The women-in-combat debate is over. Women must now be admitted to the Infantry, Rangers and Special Ops as well as combat units in the Marine Corps. If the standards are too tough, well thay will have to be revised downward. Our military has become a playground for social experimentation.

Defying the trends of feminization in public schools, meterosexuality in Hollywood and other foci of anti-male bias isn’t going to be easy. Man haters have the agenda and resources to strip away young masculine traits such as leadership, competition and conquering. From government rules and regulations to schools to feminized evangelical churches, raising boys to be men is an uphill struggle.

Confronting the wussifiers requires a stick in the eye to a culture stacked against boys. Parents must challenge boys to handle anything thrown their way. The boys’ challenge is to make things more orderly, more beautiful, more prosperous. Boys must be lifted through their testosterone fog and instilled with a sense of masculine responsibility. Parents must not condone boys acting like Neanderthals but must train them to be mannered gentlemen. Boys are not to abuse, mishandle, abandon, ignore, avoid, mistreat or neglect that for which they are responsible. They must be taught a sense of self-discipline to behave honorably as if there were no government, court, church or school. Parents must teach boys to aspire to be providers and defenders of the family. Boys must not seek to be led by females when their male instincts tell them the opposite.

If one wishes to understand male and female relationships, take a risk and read Shakespeare. Failing that, check these books. “The Dangerous Book for Boys” by Conn and Hal Iggulden is a runaway best seller in England. The other is “The War Against Boys” by Christina Hoff Sommers.


Dennis M. Patrick can be contacted at P. O. Box 337, Stanley, ND 58784 or (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


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