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Friday, August 14, 2015


The left corrupts everything it touches – especially journalism. Not a day goes by when you can experience some form of media perversion of the truth. Most recently, Brian Williams of NBC News, having been caught repeatedly lying to the American people, has now become passé. And the beat goes on.

Too often the left-leaning mainstream media is prone to fake the news in order to advance their narrative.

Example: “Nancy Reagan Gives Her Endorsement to Hillary Clinton.” This hoax was perpetrated by Bloomberg, 4/10/2015.

Example: “70,000 people are expected to attend the National Rifle Association’s convention…in Tennessee, and not one of them will be allowed to come armed with guns that can actually shoot.” This hoax was printed by the New York Times 4/10/2015 explaining that all attendees were required to remove firing pins from guns brought to the convention.

Example: “Last November we published…a University of Virginia student’s horrifying account of her alleged gang rape at a campus fraternity house…[W]e are officially retracting ‘A Rape on Campus.’” The original story was yet another hoax published without corroboration by Rolling Stone 4/5/2015. The magazine is being sued.

Here is a quote by the US President aimed at the most gullible among us. “It has been six years since the crisis. Those years have demanded hard work and sacrifice on everybody’s part. So as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we’ve got to show for it. America’s resurgence is real.” (Barack Obama, weekly address, whitehouse.gov, 1/10/2015.)

Talk is cheap – especially coming from the Deceiver-in-Chief. Compare BO’s words with the most recent (2011) Health and Human Services Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors statistics. Obama’s “resurgence” actually looks like this:

  1) The recipiency rate (Americans receiving any form of welfare): 19.93 percent, up from 17.1 percent in 2008;

  2) The dependency rate (Americans receiving more than 50 percent of income from welfare during 2011): 5.2 percent, up from 4.0 percent in 2008;

  3) The dependency rate for households headed by women increased from 13.4 percent in 2008 to 16.2 percent in 2011.

There are not many conclusions to be drawn from these statistics. The obvious and most important one is that, despite all the rhetoric and talking points, the folks who have been running the country since 2008 at the federal level (specifically BO, his appointees and the congressional Democrats) have consistently hurt the very people who elected them to office. The poor, minorities of all stripes, single women (and their children) and Millennials are the very ones who have suffered the most under the Obama regime.

To be sure, BO has explained the Obama Doctrine exquisitely. “Where they (Republicans) are not willing to work with us, we will do it administratively or we will convene the private sector. By hook or by crook….” This is how he explained it to the Huffington Post. Sounds more like crook than hook.

“If we were to just go around this room, there are a lot of immigrant stories. All my grandparents, you know, came over here…” This is Hillary Clinton engaged in another lie, this time about her ancestry at BuzzFeed News. “Her grandparents always spoke about the immigrant experience and, as a result she has always thought of them as immigrants.” This from a Clinton spokesman after census records indicated three of her four grandparents were born in the US.

“She’s desperately trying to not look Presidential.” This is a backhanded compliment by Chuck Todd on NBC’s Today Show commenting on HRC’s pretension to look like an everyday American.

Anyone seeking an alternative perspective on US national news, or at least a more accurate accounting, might benefit from consulting the foreign press. The foreign press often covers stories the US mainstream media reject. Glancing at these alternative sources is good because the foreign press highlights solid content that a biased US media won’t provide.


Dennis M. Patrick can be contacted at P. O. Box 337, Stanley, ND 58784 or (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


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