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Monday, May 09, 2011


Today, Dean Bresciani, president of North Dakota State University, announced that he would be asking the Board of Higher Education for an 8.8% tuition increase.  


This despite the fact that University System Chancellor Bill Goetz just last week said that he would recommend that tuition at the state's four year colleges be limited to 2.5%.  So, once again, the University System has lost control over what is going on at their campuses.


Since 2003, the North Dakota Legislature has increased NDSU's General Fund budget by 76%.  This figure excludes dollars explicitly earmarked as "one-time spending". 


NDSU General Fund Budget





















No matter how much state funding increases it is never enough.  Since 2003, tuition at NDSU has also gone up 36%.


During the past two legislative sessions, the North Dakota Taxpayers Association has gone on the record supporting bills to return final control of tuition levels to the legislature as well as ensure that the massive increases of state tax dollars be matched with real savings to the students themselves.  In both 2009 and 2011, the legislature defeated bills that would return final say on tuition increases to the legislature. 


We have even testified in favor of Democratic bills to freeze tuition on the basis that such freezes should be very easy in an era of 10-20% budget increases.


The only funding crisis at NDSU is a crisis of priorities.  The mission of the universities should be to find ways to live within the 10-20% budget increases they have been getting from the legislature.  The continued effort to build little empires on college campuses on the backs of both students and taxpayers should have been examined more fully this legislative session.


The failure of the legislature is not on the money side.  Legislators have more than adequately funded higher education. 


The failure of the legislature is in allowing business as usual within the University System.  Now the students could be on the hook for more massive tuition increases despite the fact that plenty of taxpayer dollars have already been spent.

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But its “the children”, my God “our children”, say leaders in education…as they pad their pocketbooks with the spoils gathered by their $400,000 “Wonderchilds” at the two GREAT RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES that are so good they charge discount store rates to out of state students to prop up numbers. “The Children”, my royal Icelandic a@*... it’s all about the professors and administrators…the chosen ones…who not only educate but “enlighten” which can include the promotion of almost any deranged activity that mankind (and beasts) have entertained.

Well “enlighten” this…Public Funded Education will be as dead as bin Laden in twenty years unless the focus returns to students and learning and away from self-serving egotists of the ELITE EDUCATION OLIGARCHY.

I love teachers…I had great K-12 teachers and even a few good professors. But the “profession” has become just another self-serving union-organizing self-help group.

Many of my teacher friends have not and do not belong to the NDEA… which is becoming a bad joke.

Lynn Bergman on May 12, 2011 at 08:49 pm
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