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Monday, April 08, 2024


Whether we’re talking politics, economics OR religion, there are plenty of challenges to the American way of life as we’ve known it. For most of our relatively short tenure as a country, we’ve met the challenges with a smile and a commitment to roll-up our sleeves and work harder.


We’ve survived two world wars, the sting and a stigma of Vietnam, the Middle East crisis. And we haven’t merely survived, in some of the afore mentioned categories, we’ve actually thrived—because of our history and because of our people. All of them—the whole motley melting pot!


We’re diverse and we’re daring. We’re innovative and sharing. We’re compassionate and caring. Before you think I’ve fallen on my head or been caught in a time warp, let me offer this disclaimer: I know there are arguments for a different conclusion than the one I’ll come to, but I‘ll not give into unnecessary negativity and defeatism. Just hear me out before you tune me out!


We have challenges with illegal immigration, true. We talk a lot about solving it with a wall. But it’s also true that we’re a nation made up of immigrants who responded to the words of Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty, which had this to say: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me...”


Why can’t we go to the Germans from Russia for a fresh perspective on immigration? Why not the Irish who came as a result of a potato famine—and rose to the status of American Patriot and fought valiantly in two world wars? Or let’s face it—we have the best historical precedents to deal with issues like tyranny, the state of the union and the role of government in the lives of her people.


Remember who you are! You’re the "we;" you are who and what makes America unique amongst all the hundreds of countries in the world. You have the power and the system enabled by the Constitution to give you the say in how the world works. You are the privileged who have lived free your whole lives—you know how to do this.


 You may not know what E Pluribus Unum means, but you did it through your ancestors and you’re doing it now. You’ve done what others have only hoped to. Back to Russia for a minute and the great empress Catherine the Great. She only aspired to form a government run by the people. She befriended Voltaire and flirted with his philosophy but came up short.


Robert Frost wrote about it in the inaugural poem for JFK’s inauguration entitled “The Gift Outright” implying a higher source than within ourselves—and rightly so. The idea of America and of people living “Out of the many—ONE” is the work of the Creator who endowed men and women with the “inalienable rights.” The highest expression of this and how it communicates it to the world is introduced as these words recall for us our destiny:


“We the People …”



Emineth is a North Dakota native businessman and political activist. He is a former executive director and chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party. Emineth has served on the Republican National Committee and chaired numerous presidential campaigns in North Dakota. He is the host of “The Legislature Today” and “Open Range” daily TV shows on BEK. He is a serial entrepreneur and has 40-plus years of business experience with multi-national companies. He has traveled the world extensively and has served as CEO and president of mid-tier companies.

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