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Thursday, May 19, 2016


It's a new day in North Dakota politics and time for a breath of fresh air. That's why I am giving my support to Doug Burgum for Governor, a person with a vision for the future which brings to bear his commitment to make North Dakota a great place to live, work and grow.
The many ways in which Doug Burgum has used his time, talent and treasure to support a belief in free enterprise, fiscal conservatism, and the creation of new wealth for his shareholders, employees and fellow North Dakotans over the years, say a lot to me about how he will approach the governor's office.
This is not a time for a status quo or business as usual approach to what happens in ND. In an economy so dependent on factors outside the control of any individual or entity, it is a time for creative and innovative ideas and solutions to the realities of the challenges before the people of this state.
As a businessman and innovator with a high profile network to talent and resources outside of ND, that can be used to diversify and build our economy, he has created some anxiety for status quo political insiders who are invested in preserving their current power structures.
The way I see it, times like these call for a leader like Doug Burgum!
As a former GOP state chairman, I know first hand of Doug's financial support for Republican candidates and his belief in limited government and the importance of job creation in order to keep an economy moving. There is much to be gained from the experience and expertise he brings from the business world to state government.
I welcome someone of Doug's stature and character as a new face in the arena of elected officials, but certainly not one unfamiliar with the responsibilities he will meet as a "citizen politician." He knows how to surround himself with a team of advisors who have resources and connections to fill in the gaps.
I look forward with hope to a great future in ND with Doug Burgum in the governor's office. 

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