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Monday, February 19, 2024


Liberty requires vigilance. Ben Franklin knew this to be true as he answered the question posed to him at the conclusion of the Second Continental Congress debates and revisions of the Constitution. Nearly 250 years later we can see what he meant when he said: “A Republic - If you can keep it.” Not every country is up to this task.


Not every person knows what it really means to live in a free society, much less what he/she should be doing to keep the miracle of America alive and well. Much has been written on the subject. And just as much has been ignored.


You may ask, “isn’t this for politics and professional politicians to deal with? I don’t have time to read-up on this, too!" Ok. Tell me what you do have time for? Will you stop long enough when your son or daughter gets caught shoplifting because someone told he or she it was not a crime but only fair that a person has what only the rich can afford. I know what you might be thinking… “That’s ridiculous—my kids know better!”


But do they? When push comes to shove, do your children know why it is wrong to disobey the law? It used to be that law was associated with order.


The way things are headed in this country, the law has become a guideline, not a standard of conduct with consequences. Now comes the tricky part. Unless you are willing to join the discussion, this is where you can stop reading. 

How do I raise my children to be “freedom fighters” in a world where education has become indoctrination and the rule of law is an outdated, irrelevant, and an ineffective vehicle to promote justice? Now that’s a good question and changes the focus to a more fundamental one. It is a universal axiom which declares, “Nature abhors a vacuum.”


The following statement is sobering. “If you will not govern, you will be governed.” We the people are only as good as the people we elect to represent us at every level. You can choose to disagree with my position on liberty, but you must be ready to defend your dispute.


One area this is especially true is on the subject of economics. For the last hundred years, the economic world has been involved in a great intellectual debate. One side advocates for economic freedom and the other side is actually hostile towards the idea of the individual being involved in the rules of commerce. This may not seem to apply to the average person, but the effects of your awareness or lack of awareness could have far-reaching effects beyond your generation and into your family’s distant future.

When the government substitutes taxes, government expenditures and regulation for personal choice, voluntary exchange, and market coordination, they reduce economic freedom. Let’s get informed about the political philosophy that fosters creativity, innovation and growth and begin asking the right questions of our legislators and Congressional representatives.



Emineth is a North Dakota native businessman and political activist. He is a former executive director and chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party. Emineth has served on the Republican National Committee and chaired numerous presidential campaigns in North Dakota. He is the host of “The Legislature Today” and “Open Range” daily TV shows on BEK. He is a serial entrepreneur and has 40-plus years of business experience with multi-national companies. He has traveled the world extensively and has served as CEO and president of mid-tier companies.

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