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Friday, July 03, 2020


You may remember the grading criterion in school… perhaps 70% or 75% was passing. Even in the most demanding course it took over 50% to pass. When the mainstream media asserts that it is plain and simply Whites that represent rampant racism in America, they are, at the very best, only half right. It's White Marxists who are the real problem.


As documented in Burgess Owens' book “Why I stand”, White Marxists are responsible for the genocide of Black babies that began over a hundred years ago with Margaret Sanger, the eugenicist... 40% of the current Black population simply aborted over time.


White Marxists invented the NAACP to begin the replacement of Black fathers (along with their dignity and individual responsibility) with government programs that fostered dependency upon White Marxists and the “Black Royalty” of the Democratic Party that insure the dependency on government of too many Americans of all ethnicity.


White Marxists took advantage of the great depression of the 1930s by extending it far beyond any previous economic downturn… by simply looking to government to solve problems that markets had solved for thousands of years. By replacing a poorly functioning marketplace with government programs, it took a dozen years of economic misery and the second world war for White Marxists to re-prove that government is at it's most efficient when punishing its people and vanquishing its enemies, something Thomas Paine had pointed out in “Common Sense” 165 years earlier.


White Marxists are so close to permanent success they can hear it (media domination), taste it (agricultural dependency on government), smell it (dying of the energy industry), feel it (political correctness), touch it (single-payer government health care), and even breath it (Covid-19). If they could just steal the presidency and both houses of congress, they will have pulled off the “upset of the ages”. After being trounced with the death of the USSR thirty years ago, a new generation of America's “useful idiots” (higher education's newly hatched Utopians) could gain full power in the world's longest lasting “democratic republic”. What would be the shortest tenured fiasco in history, Democratic Socialism, those who can “get along with the Communists”.


Vote with your Head, not your Heart...


So when your heart says “vote for the party that is so obviously against racism”, let your head take over and “vote for the party of Abraham Lincoln and Senator Tim Scott. Let's get to work making America Great for ALL of its citizens… even as White Marxists continue toppling and tearing down the greatest teacher of all… History. And let us “Wake Up” to what “Woke” really is… the revision of history to suit the White Marxists that are today's Trojan Horse within our borders.


“Equality of Opportunity” could be replaced with “Equality of Outcomes”


Before Covid-19, all Americans saw how quickly good economic policy could lift up the least prosperous among us. “What have you got to lose?” turned out to be the right message for 2016. Sadly, those with little to lose once again (due to Covid-19) may well lose a very bright future if a Utopian “new normal” Union of Soviet Socialist States of America is their goal. Those who had previously lost so much to the White Marxists; their independence, dignity, sense of family, economic freedom, and prosperity... have the voting opportunity of their lifetime to “finish themselves off”. All that the victims of White Marxist appear ready and willing to do in November is to bring the rest of America down with them by doubling down and voting for ramped up Democratic Socialism, the “equality that is poverty itself”.


Senator Tim Scott, candidate Burgess Owens and other conservative Black Leaders are assuredly praying that a positive message of rebirth within America gets through to all the victims of White Marxism, no matter their ethnicity... somehow... some way. I join them with my prayers.


Let's Weed Out Police that are Psychologically Unfit


Lastly, let's hire police for the “content of their character”, as Martin Luther King Jr. suggested was ideal. We ALL know that racism in policing is wrong… so let's end it once and for all! Let's psychologically test all of law enforcement for at least two days each, fire the sadists, put at a desk those without the courage necessary to risk their lives serving us, and hire based on psychological requirements and skills instead of quotas. Too many of the police charged with crimes in recent years have chosen the profession for the wrong reasons, such as to be the “first in their community from this or that identity group”. Or to “make their family proud of them”. Or to “show their friends they can do it”. Let's keep police that have the courage to “risk their lives for good over evil” and psychologically weed out those who are too fearful to make correct decisions.


And what else do minorities have to lose this time around… more of their businesses to arson from “useful idiot” Marxists...


Love = Work + Courage









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