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Thursday, April 11, 2024


Which of the following state laws would you agree to (choose as many as you wish):

  1. Legalize murder of an infant up until 48 hours after birth
  2. Legalize murder of an infant up until 24 hours after birth
  3. Legalize abortion of a fetus up until birth
  4. Legalize abortion of a fetus up until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy
  5. Legalize abortion of a fetus up until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy
  6. Legalize abortion of a fetus up until the end of the first month of pregnancy
  7. Legalize abortion of a fetus up until 15 days after proof of pregnancy
  8. Legalize abortion of a fetus upon proof of pregnancy
  9. Legalize abortion of a fetus upon viability (evidence of fetal growth in the womb)
  10. Outlaw all murder of an infant or abortion of a viable fetus
  11. Outlaw all “morning after” medication administered within 24 hours of conception

Which of the following state laws would you agree to (choose as many as you wish):

  1. Legalize destruction of an in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryo upon approval of the adoptive parent
  2. Legalize destruction of an in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryo by anyone prior to its implantation in the womb.
  3. Outlaw IVF

Which of the following state laws (I call them “Individual as God” laws) would you agree to (choose as many as you wish):

  1. Allow abortion of a brain-dead fetus
  2. Allow abortion of a limb deformed fetus
  3. Allow abortion of a Down Syndrome fetus
  4. Allow abortion of a fetus with one blue eye and one brown eye
  5. Allow abortion of a “runt” fetus
  6. Allow abortion of a suspected “ugly” fetus

A myriad of additional human reproductive issues have not been included in this questionnaire.

Are you beginning to understand why “Abortion” is rightly a state issue? …Even if a particularly evil state decided to make it an individual issue by allowing all abortions with no exceptions.

If we could be assured that every individual was morally perfect (i.e. if this was Heaven on Earth) we would have no need for laws in general, much less laws concerning human reproduction. And Karl Marx (the Atheist-Communist) would have been “pleased as punch.” And next time you hear a federal office-holder continuously spewing opinions on abortion, know it is worthless drivel. $34.5 Trillion National Debt!


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