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Friday, October 30, 2009


Valerie Jarrett announced the other day that “we’re going to speak truth to power”.

Who’s Valerie Jarrett? She’s “Senior Advisor” to the President of the United States – ie, the leader of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. You would think the most powerful man in the most powerful nation would find a hard job finding anyone on the planet to “speak truth to power” to. But I suppose if you’re as eager to do so as his Senior Advisor, there’s always somebody out there: The Supreme Leader of Iran. The Prime Minister of Belgium. The Deputy Tourism Minister of the Solomon Islands. But no. The Senior Advisor has selected targets closer to home: “I think that what the administration has said very clearly is that we’re going to speak truth to power. When we saw all of the distortions in the course of the summer, when people were coming down to town hall meetings and putting up signs that were scaring seniors to death…”

Ah, right. People “putting up signs”. Can’t have that, can we? The most powerful woman in the inner circle of the most powerful man on earth has decided to speak truth to powerful people standing in the street with handwritten placards saying “THIS GRAN’MA ISN’T SHOVEL READY”. Was it only a week ago that I wrote about this Administration’s peculiar need for domestic enemies?

The Senior Advisor seems to have forgotten that she is the power. Admittedly, this is a recurring lapse on the part of the Administration. There was Barack Obama only the other day blaming everything on the President – no, no, silly, not him, the other fellow, the Designated Fall Guy who stepped down as head of state in January to accept the new constitutional position of Blame Czar. Musing on problems in Afghanistan, Obama blamed the “long years of drift” under his predecessor. The new President – okay, newish President – has been Drifter-in-Chief for almost a year but he’s too busy speaking truth to the former power to get on top of the situation. It could be a while yet. In his more self-regarding moments, such as his speech to the UN, he gives the strong impression that the “long years of drift” began in 1776.

Rocco Landesman, head honcho at the National Endowment for the Arts, seems closer to the reality of the situation. In his keynote address to the 2009 “Grantmakers in the Arts” Conference, Landesman hailed Obama as “the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar”. He didn’t mean a “powerful writer” as in a compelling voice, gripping narrative, vivid characterization, command of language, etc. He meant a “powerful writer” as in Caesar was king of the world, and now Obama is. He came, he saw, he stimulated: “If you accept the premise, and I do, that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, then Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar. That has to be good for
American artists.”

I suppose so. He could invade somewhere and force the natives to accept  degrading roles in NEA-funded performance art. He could take out the Iranian nuclear program by carpet-bombing it with unreadable literary novels. That is, if you “accept the premise” that the United States is the most powerful country in the world. Rocco Landesman may, but it’s not clear, from his actions (or inactions) in Eastern Europe, Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere, that the President does. But, even so, it seems an odd pitch to “American artists”. Rocco Landesman, Speaking Goof to Power, isn’t the first Obama groupie to enjoy the kinky frisson of groveling obsequiousness, but he’s set an impressive new standard in public revelation thereof. Rocco’s aunt, Fran Landesman, is the great lyricist of “Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most” as well as “The Ballad Of The Sad Young Men”. But surely there are few sadder middle-aged men than her nephew prostrating himself before his master as the most literate global colossus in two millennia.

Meanwhile, Larry David is now doing televised NEA exhibits on his HBO show “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. Christians are said to be “angry” at him because of an episode in which, after he accidentally sprays his urine on a picture of Jesus, his assistant mistakes the droplets for tears and calls in her mother to witness the miracle of Christ weeping. Ha-ha! Oh, those brave transgressive artists! Of course, Christians aren’t “angry” in the sense that two US residents arrested last week are. The pair – one an American citizen, the other Canadian – were so “angry” about the Mohammed cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten that they hatched a plot to kill the artist and his editor. As many commentators pointed out, Mr David’s splashy stunt is a dreary provocation: It’s easy to be provocative with people who can’t be provoked. If he were to start urinating in a more Mecca-ly direction, he’d find an entirely more motivated crowd waiting for him at the stage door.

But I liked the point made by the Anchoress, a writer at the magazine First Things: Putting Mohammed et al aside, if Larry David had a yen to urinate hither and yon, wouldn’t it have been “braver” to have done it to the religious icon du jour? That’s to say, Barack Obama. And then maybe Ashton Kutcher could have marveled at how even Obama’s image was empathizing tearily with all 687 million Americans without health insurance. Or, alternatively, dribbling warm champagne from his Norwegian Nobel banquet  toast. C’mon, Larry. Sure, you might not have a career afterward, but, unlike any Islamo-provocations, you’re not gonna  get killed. Just fired, and probably damned as a racist. But at least you wouldn’t be a simpering suck-up to power like Rocco Landesman and the other creeps.

At some point the Caesar cult has to manifest itself in an achievement – I mean a real achievement, not merely some dud prize handed out by Norwegian lefties. Afghanistan is his now: Notwithstanding “years of drift”, whether it winds up as victory or defeat or is his call. It’s Obama’s war. It’s Obama’s economy. The stimulus bill is his stimulus, and for $787 billion it created 30,000 new jobs (according to the government) or (according to the Associated Press) 25,000. Either way, you do the math. It’s Obama’s unemployment rate, Obama’s dollar, Obama’s  debt. Pace Valerie Jarrett, the truth is you are the power. And those on the receiving end of it are going to be speaking a lot louder in the months ahead.

© Mark Steyn 2009


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Avatar for Mike De

The Democrats still haven’t gotten over not being able to steal a presidential election for Gore.  They have gotten the suppression of overseas military ballots down pat now….witness the stolen Senate race in Minnesota.  In 2010 if the hoodlums show up in front of the polls they better bring friends.  This guy in the whitehouse is a joke.  He couldn’t manage a two car funeral.

Mike De on October 30, 2009 at 09:14 pm
Avatar for Paul in not-so-Great Britain

Landesman’s comparison of Obama with Caesar is ridiculous: Caesar was an overweeningly ambitious narcissist who rose to power through a combination of populism and ruthlessness and ended up turning a centuries-old Republic into a dictatorship. 

I mean, as if... 

...And anyway, Caesar’s deification took place posthumously...

Paul in not-so-Great Britain on October 31, 2009 at 09:01 am
Avatar for Alan West

Et tu, Marcus?  Well, you know the rest…

Alan West on October 31, 2009 at 01:23 pm
Avatar for Joe

Condescension is Obama’s forte’. Arrogance is a characteristic of his Chicago ward politician attitude toward we independent voters, who struggle to wade through his myopic vision of international and domestic affairs and policies. He sounds and acts more like De Gaulle than a Churchill.

Joe on October 31, 2009 at 02:30 pm
Avatar for Provoking Thought

There was nothing in Obama’s dossier to lead us to believe he would be any different than he is today.

An Alinskyite acedes to power pointing their finger at how inept everyone is. They overwhelm the system. But once they attain the power, now what? Alinksyism is a minority position by design and that is it weakness.

Now he is “the man” who runs “the system” with his party “in power” and they act like a bunch of children crying that they can not get legislation past their own party due to their own inability to lead in a positive direction.

He realizes now that he is subject to the same tactics he used being used against him to bring him down. Me thinks that why he is going insane over three pundits..they are using his tactics against him !

Provoking Thought on October 31, 2009 at 06:14 pm
Avatar for John Trainor

In Canada we seem to experiment on a regular basis with looney left politics…its only when the economy crashes and burns or the party in power becomes so corrupt that even the mainstream media cant ignore it, that we act in self defence.  You will find it takes a big dose of vinegar to finally rid yourselves of your empty suit president. Canada currently enjoys the benefits of a conservative Prime Minister and the most robust economy, dare i say it, in the world…..the leftie vampires are slobbering around looking for a good meal and fortunately for the country, they are feeding on themselves.

John Trainor on October 31, 2009 at 06:49 pm
Avatar for Chicagoan

$787 billion for 30,000 jobs? That is about $26,000,000 per job.  Sign me up.  I’d love that salary.

Chicagoan on November 1, 2009 at 08:03 am
Avatar for Scared Senior

Valerie Jarrett and her buddies, not hand-lettered signs, scare the bejeepers outta me.  I worry that the most powerful writer since Caesar and his right-thinking confederates will find a way to steal the 2010 elections.  I’m sure they’re laying the groundwork for a resounding victory in 2012.

Several months ago, Michael Sheuer (sp?) of “Imperial Hubris” fame, opined that the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment wasn’t about militias—“it was about protecting us from tyranny.  And right now, we’re suffering from a tyranny of incompetence.” 

We’d all do well to consider this.  Let’s hope we’re not faced with some real tough choices in the coming years…

Scared Senior on November 1, 2009 at 01:42 pm
Avatar for steynian

i cant read this tiny font!

steynian on November 1, 2009 at 07:16 pm
Avatar for Dan @ Israel Uncensored News

No, not Caesar - Michael Jackson

Dan @ Israel Uncensored News on November 1, 2009 at 07:58 pm
Avatar for Donald

Ms Jarrett is an angry woman. It was the power to make certain changes, lucrative changes, to the Chicago slums that suddenly evaporated at Copenhagen.

And now, woe betide those who thwarted her master’s plan. Time for payback.From Valerie.

But I suspect the citizens of the US have a little more telling to do yet. And there are an awful lot of them.

Donald on November 2, 2009 at 05:23 am
Avatar for SenatorMark4

I’m having a hard time reading this tiny font, too.  I’m guessing it’s just me since I feel like my head has been shrinking ever since Obama decided the dollar was too big for our wallets.  Another couple trillion handed out to people that don’t have to cop an IRS Form 1099-misc for their “redistributed” income or prove their citizenship and I probably won’t be able to read anything ever again.

SenatorMark4 on November 2, 2009 at 08:31 pm
Avatar for Mel Howard

Mr. Steyn,
      I am shocked and alarmed to learn of your denigration of our dear Leader in this most conflicted and tormentive decision about committment to the conflict which he was openly decisive about not-so-long ago. President Heathcliff has been badly judged throughout his career by exactly your sort of callous, myopic… oh wait, was that a charater from Zeppo Bronte’s “Dithering Heights”?

Mel Howard on November 3, 2009 at 12:17 am
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What does Obama even write…besides his signature i mean. He has ghostwriters for his books, speechwriters for his speeches, etc. Well, we all know what happened to Caesar…

Now Obama may be “the most powerful writer” as Caesar was, but I would compare him to other “powerful” writers such as Nero or Caligula…

make solar panels on October 19, 2010 at 03:55 pm
Avatar for testking 646-563

“we’re going to speak truth to power”

This is a central problem with the White House. They campaigned primarily on supplying red meat to their followers, portraying Bush as some sort of genius Satan who was cheating everyone in America with devious schemes. Now that they are in the White House, they keep looking for Demons and scapegoats without accomplishing any positive results for voters. They were more effective as professional nitpickers.
Josef Smith

testking 646-563 on November 23, 2010 at 06:33 am
Avatar for Rob

That is just about right, Josef. They do spend more time trying to find any previous mistakes that were made instead of concentrating on what needs to be done. Don’t worry about what the last administration did to our country, try to fix the problem. Move on with what this country has been lacking the last decade…true leadership. Thanks for the great reading.

Rob on January 13, 2011 at 05:24 pm
Avatar for health insurance

I think we need a minister of truth. We need someone who is unbiased and can speak the truth on health care reform and whether grandma is going to die because of a death panel or our deficit will grow further because of the supposed budget to save money. But I don’t think a human or humans could fill that role. Just look at the CBO which is supposed to be bipartisan and unbiased yet both sides are always taking pot shots at it because they used bad numbers or are telling lies. Perhaps we need a computer like Watson to tell us all the truth.

health insurance on February 17, 2011 at 05:17 pm
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