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Thursday, January 07, 2010


Who are "The Tea Party Teens?" David Brooks, an opinion writer for the New York Times, describes this movement as "a large, fractious confederation of Americans who are defined by what they against." Brooks asserts the movement is against "the educated class" and the concentrated power wielded by this group. This educated class represents: big government, big business, big media, and big Ed Schulz. Brooks further asserts that "the non educated class" are insolent teens, merely obstructing the progressive policy of "the educated class." 

Although patronizing, Brooks is accurate with the following assertion.  Many people are skeptical of the depth and breadth of centralized government. Edmund Burke, the father of modern conservatism, withdrew from the excess of the French Revolution; he was horrified by claims against individual liberty in the name of equality perpetuated by the French "educated class." From the beginning of America's first and only Republic, the question has persisted, "How do we balance freedom and equality?"  This fundamental tension has preserved our Republic 200 plus years.  Absent this tension we lose the freedom to be equal.

Ironically Brooks is in part responsible for the Tea Party movement. And, when I say Brooks, I mean big media.  Rewind to the 2008 election cycle and how the Presidential campaign was covered.  Were the Presidential candidates challenged with substantive questions?  Is "change" of any kind actual public policy? Was the term public option uttered once by a candidate? Was Hillary Clinton having a shot and a beer really news worthy? Was Cap and Trade addressed by any candidate?

The United States Constitution asserts the freedom to communicate is fundamental, this was established by the 1st amendment.  Freedom bears responsibility and I believe big media has neglected its responsibility to offer thoughtful insight into the political process. A free and thoughtful press is required for democracy to succeed.

Brooks' monolithic characterization of the movement is ill informed and patronizing. American citizens have the prerogative and responsibility to petition their government in an organized peaceful manner. 

Furthermore, the distinction between the Ed Schulz "educated class" and the non educated class is very simple. The "non educated class" desires the responsibility of freedom.

Washington D.C. is a shining city on the hill and apathy is our enemy.

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America’s plight is not irreversible! It will be tough for most people to begin all over again, but it can be done unless Americans, in their hearts, have given up on their own freedom and are ready to accept tyranny. A new book describes how, called SAVE PEBBLE DROPPERS & PROSPERITY, soon to be on Amazon.com, and mentioned in claysamerica.com. It tells how America became what it did and how we need to repeat and begin again if individual freedom is what we want to retain. Clayamerica.com

Clay Barham on January 8, 2010 at 03:58 pm
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