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Thursday, December 05, 2013


President Obama is a star-struck Hollywood admirer and apparently the Hollywood elites share a mutual affection for him.  This is not surprising as both share something else – a belief that make believe and reality are the same thing, or by wishing so, can make them the same.


One of Hollywood’s few “hits” this season is the second installment of a popular book series called “The Hunger Games”.  The story revolves around a totalitarian leader that has brought his country to the brink of utter conflict and chaos. 


The make believe country in this movie consists of 13 Districts ruled by its President who keeps iron fisted control over the people with thugs called Peacekeepers.  Like the Greeks and Romans before him, the President uses “games” to subdue and control the population.  Like all totalitarians he surrounds himself with sycophants, lap dogs and a self indulgent core of beautiful people in a constant state of indulgence.


The “games” pit those “reaped” annually from each of the Districts – one male and one female – ordered to fight to the death for the entertainment of the masses.  The winner, like the winner of the Greek Olympic Games is crowned, lives a life of excess and parades throughout the country encouraging the “people” to work hard and obey the President and his Peacekeepers.


Of course the President and his supporters live off the slave labor of the people.  In return the people receive abuse, ruse and an endless amount of rhetoric touting how thankful the masses should be for the largess of the President.


What was, we are led to believe, a once thriving economy, a country of free people, spirals year after year into deeper poverty, less freedom and punishing mandates imposed by the leader.  The last scenes of the movie lead one to believe the masses have had enough and the country is in full rebellion.  Such stories are great plots for books and movies.  Possibly this one will role model for the real America.


Our Hollywood mesmerized President has clearly chosen his legacy – to make Hollywood fiction into American reality.  For more than five years President Obama has worked tirelessly to:

  • Expand America’s “welfare” society and those dependant on it,
  • Impose on Americans the greatest debt suffered by any nation in history,
  • Intentionally sow dissention, distrust and racial strife in the country,
  • Reduce Americans’ standard of living,
  • Ignore the Constitution and blatantly violate the laws of the land,
  • Impose massive tax hikes on working Americans to support those his administration has put out of work,
  • Unilaterally impose on Americans more rules, regulations and strangling mandates than in the prior 232 years since America declared its independence and
  • Unilaterally socialize, increase costs for and reduce access to, all health care in America.


The only remaining question is how long it will be before Americans write the real end to the Obama Games, and in what form that end will play out? 


We may not have too long to wait.  Unemployment is rising, jobs are shrinking, and federal policies are making it virtually impossible for new businesses to start.  Thousands of new federal regulations are driving the cost of energy up as regulations are forcing the closing of plants that produce our electricity.  America’s respect and standing in the world is, arguably, at an all time low and sinking.


Our borders no longer protect us from invasion, in fact, in the name of – who knows what – Obama has invited anyone who wishes to invade America to do so.  And those who wander in are fully entitled to our entire welfare largess.  Supporting this we now have a fully “equal armed forces” – men, women and the gender confused to protect us.  How much better can it get?


The President promises to spread the wealth –that is, to take from those who work and pay taxes and give to those who don’t.  At the same time, those who work and pay taxes are told they can no longer decide for themselves whether or what health care they may or may not have.  That decision will be imposed by Federal mandate.  Failure to comply with any mandates will result in fines, penalties or prison.   Oh yes, all employers must provide in all mandated health care plans “free” birth control, abortifacts and sterilizations, as well as mental health treatment.


Possibly there is a silver lining in the dictates of this self absorbed delusional President and his minions.  Living in the society being created by the Obama Games may well require mental health treatment for those of us who are still sane; maybe even the ultimate and most humane treatment of all– a lobotomy. 


Unless we end these “Games”, we likely won’t have a prayer – literally.  Today we’re told we can pray provided we keep our prayer in our homes and churches.  The public square is a venue reserved exclusively for the Obama Games.


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