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Thursday, November 07, 2019


An important deadline is approaching on November 19. On that date a waiver allowing U.S companies to sell regulated technology and products the Chinese company, Huawei. Please contact your Congressmen and Senator and the President and urge them to prevent granting of another waiver to this foreign enemy enterprise. Huawei is the tool China is planning to use to destroy the West in general and the United States in particular.


China will control the rest of the world through its main tool, Huawei. The Beijing government has been heavily subsidizing that company and using it to worm its way into intelligence gathering. Everything, as we are learning now, is connected. The Pentagon’s face-recognizing technology could become China’s, through its drive to dominate technology of all kinds. It has been suggested that China, very soon, will be able to do whatever it likes – drive a car off a cliff, unlock our doors, to say nothing of messing with our financial technology. In wartime, their capabilities would end matters quickly and the Chinese would carry the day.


Yet we have a dynamic here, first seen in Admiral Perry’s opening of Japan (with fatal consequences), worse yet, Richard Nixon’s wrong-headed idea of opening up China to trade and political relations, which is like having a fifth column right here in America. I have said often, that Nixon’s worst offenses had nothing to do with Watergate. That was just a cover-up of a bungled burglary by some misguided underlings. It was nothing. His crimes have been completely overlooked. There were two which overshadowed the rest: his establishing extra-Constitutional executive agencies such as OSHA, the EPA and others, which have eroded our basic rights here at home, and his trip to China, the dividends of which are coming home to roost even now.


It was obviously a terrible mistake at the time, but it was difficult for naive, gullible Americans to get it. Farmers were beyond eager to sell their wheat, which was over-abundant, to the Chinese market. That became a dynamic of its own in American agriculture. Instead of finding a way to farm that was economically feasible, it was just easier and more rapidly gainful to just keep over-producing wheat and then selling it to the Chinese. Instead of allowing the Chinese government to weaken under its own mismanagement of labor and resources (the way of all Communist governments), Nixon propped them up and game them the second wind they needed to become a major threat to us. Thanks, Dick. And thanks, U.S. agriculture.


Now we see this undying effort to undermine our own country in the person of Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce. He sees his job as selling whatever we can to whomever we can, regardless of the implications for our future safety and security. So when greedy and shameless American companies apply for waivers to sell technology and goods to Huawei, he can’t wait to rubber stamp his approval. We need to stop this dead in its tracks. If there are American manufacturers or developers of technology who can’t make a go of it without Huawei they need to go out of business – pure and simple. These sales are regulated for a reason. Huawei is on a list of entities to which American firms may not sell without approval.


In his article in Gatestone Institute today, China expert Gordon Chang thinks not only must we decline to approve an extension of these waivers, but we should make them a condition of our relations with other nations such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and others. He makes a very good case for this. Please read it and share his article with others. This is something which affects all of us. I owned a Huawei phone a couple of years ago – never even thought to look at the brand name when I bought it. These devices should not even be sold in the U.S. We can defeat this formidable enemy but only if we really want to. And only if we are aware of the dangers posed by these advanced technologies.

If you wish to contact Congress, call 202-224-3121.  This is the Congressional switchboard number.  


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