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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


“The blunting effects of slavery upon the slaveholder’s moral perceptions are known and conceded the world over, and a privileged class, an aristocracy, is but a band of slaveholders under another name.”  - Mark Twain

Along the Arizona border a firefight breaks out.  A Border Patrol officer discharging his duty attempts to prevent drug and human smuggling.  As the criminals speed off the officer is left to face charges.

A teacher in California is at a loss as to how to manage a classroom - over half of her “students” don’t speak English.  Her college-book Spanish is as foreign to them as our language.  Teaching them is hopeless.  They could teach her something about street drugs, though.

Mexican truck drivers course our nation’s highways.  They don’t understand English either, and could care less about safety or our traffic laws. 

The “Man on the Street” wants his country back.  He thinks if we can breach the bonds of earth to put a man on the moon, we should be able to keep undocumented aliens and contraband drugs from cruising through our checkpoints. 

The motivation for tolerance from the Left is clear.  Democrats see carloads of illicit votes.  They use their dupes’ maudlin sentiment to insist on providing free medical care, “education”, shelter, food and whatever else would encourage the bolt for the border.  The cold calculation of a corrupt political machine and hanky-wringing do-gooders are behind this on one side.

But except for a few lone voices in the wilderness, Republicans remain strangely silent, or even join in rolling out the red carpet.  Why?  Where is the leadership to maintain the integrity of our border?

Remember Dollie?  She was the cloned English sheep.  Her creation spawned controversy.  Were we on the threshold of cloning humans?  We had visions of mad scientists cranking out a mass of sub-human creatures in test tubes, bred for use as organ donors or for a labor force to do the work “Americans just won’t do”.  We had horrific images of armies of synthetic slaves.

We need not have worried.  Aristocratic Americans never needed them.  We had Mexico, a land which despite mineral wealth, varied climate, agriculture and topography, two navigable seacoasts, lush vegetation, and a rich cultural heritage, is so vile with government corruption that, like the proverbial rats, its population is abandoning ship in desperation.

We can empathize with people so ill-used.  But we have become enablers of both perpetrators and victims in Mexico.  We encourage unmanageable hoards with our tolerance and trappings of a welfare state. We encourage them to leave their homeland rather than correct its course and lend their strength and numbers to its rehabilitation.  In doing so we enable their corrupt, criminal government to continue to abuse its citizenry.

This is an unholy alliance between corrupt American and Mexican governments, together with unethical, self-serving, morally bankrupt industries which use this circumstance for their own short-term gains.  Industry which prospers by using a non-legitimate labor force outside of the free labor market is not capitalistic.  It is corrupt,  tarnished,  its success a sham.  A capitalist competes in the marketplace for free will labor, not an illegal workforce or one subsidized by government. 

The illegal alien, despite enticements, enters into a bargain where he is vulnerable to many hazards.  In many instances he has no real rights.  There is the reality or perception that he does not have recourse to the courts.  He is here outside the law.  His freedom, health, safety and options are compromised.  He has no legitimate say in our government – certainly as a non-citizen he has no right to vote and is thus deprived of representation.  Of course he can break more laws and vote as he is actually expected to do – illegally.  Or we could simply subvert the intent and purpose of American citizenship and say it’s “okay”.  That would mean there is no such thing as American citizenship and we can end legal immigration right now.

We need to stop exploitation of a sub-class in America.  We cannot tolerate a caste system.  Slavery was never unique to America.  Corrupt,  opportunistic people have been trafficking in human beings throughout history.  But in America it has been of such importance to rid our nation of it that we nearly failed to come together in 1776, and later fought our costliest war, against our own brethren, as 500,000 lost their lives in the struggle to free all Americans from a contemptible institution.  Illegal immigration, aristocracy and human exploitation are forbidden by our Constitution.

Those here illegally must go home.  We should assist them to leave without penalty; if they wish to return they must do so legally.  We must reinstitute quotas to help America maintain its greatness rather than adopt a policy that helps one political party remain in power with the cynical collaboration of industry.  We must ensure our safety and economy by welcoming those who acknowledge America’s greatness and pledge their loyalty to America.

We needn’t apologize.  We’ve been strengthened by this kind of immigration.  It is not race-biased.  But it must be based on the right motives.  America has been so astoundingly successful and our people so inherently generous that many have come to believe that America belongs to everyone.  It doesn’t.  It belongs to Americans.  It was fought for, won and nurtured by Americans.  Our forefathers didn’t receive a free ride.  They took risks, made the commitment to become Americans.  This is all we ask.  We owe no one, no Mexican family, no Saudi student, no sub-equatorial African tribe, our country. 

Sally Morris is a member of Americans for Constitutional Government


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