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Monday, September 08, 2014


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, frequent spokesman for the Democrats, has stated that immigrants form “the backbone of our economy”.  This is supposed to encourage us to put out the welcome mat for the hundreds of thousands pouring in illegally and otherwise.  Well, we should not be surprised at this view from a leading Democrat.  It was Democrats, after all, who once felt that slaves were the backbone of our economy.  They rationalized, too, that these black slaves were “better off” in America than they were in their original homelands in sub-Saharan Africa, just as Obama and his associates are arguing that it is “humanitarian” to import these people, some sick, some criminal, all unemployed, surviving in a substandard lifestyle in THEIR own original homelands.  Some things never change.

There are hundreds of very sound reasons, each enough in itself, to stop immigration – both the legal and the illegal varieties.  But this  self-serving, immoral reason for bringing them in (or letting them flow in like Niagara Falls) exposes these elitists for just what they are – pseudo-aristocrats who want to improve their position on the economic and social ladder on the backs of the poor and underprivileged.  In doing so they are shoving less wealthy Americans (of ALL colors and creeds) OFF the economic ladder.  Every policy they concoct is contrived to disadvantage the worker, American and foreign national, and advance themselves.  Look at Nancy Pelosi’s record as an employer overseas.  Does she recognize labor rights?  Her employees are treated miserably and underpaid.  But that’s okay.  She saves a bundle over producing with American workers in this country.  It’s making her rich.  And I suppose she’ll tell you, just as the antebellum slave owner did in 1859, that these workers are “better off” than they would be without their exploitation. 

When are Americans – especially the non-whites and the poor – going to wake up and realize that they are being played?  Nearly 93% of black voters support this.  They put Obama in office with the help of some ill-informed and perhaps well-intentioned idiots in the liberal white community.  And this president has been working overtime to destroy them ever since.  He’s not the first.  White liberal Democrats got in the game first, beginning with the antebellum traffickers , and gaining lots of ground under the likes of LBJ (all with non-white support).  His programs set in stone the racial inequalities he privately approved. 

But, like immigration “reform”, these are matters quite above our heads, and the Democrats know best – pretty much as they always have.  Exploit the underprivileged, use them to your advantage and then devise government programs to keep them dependent.  Yesterday it was slavery.  Today it is “immigration reform”.  Some things never change.  Actually, one thing has.  Now the “establishment” Republicans support them.


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