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Saturday, April 21, 2012


O man, because you cannot find God in the days of your ignorance, say not that there is no God.

MOSCOW, April 21, 2012 ─ My recent exchange with a commenter who started out as an atheist culminated in his admission that he “can't be sure God does not exist.” In other words, he moved from being an atheist to being an agnostic.

We have seen this happen many times before. This is, in fact, what often happens when professed atheists begin to seriously ponder the great questions of existence. One of the most eye-opening conversions of this kind occurred recently when Richard Dawkins publicly admitted that he too is an agnostic. This is a startling admission from the author of The God Delusion and a man whom millions consider the High Priest of atheism.

But back to my reader: Immediately after his conversion, he challenged me to do something similar and admit that I – in turn – cannot be sure that God exists.

My friend's challenge, however, is a misplaced one, since the positions of a sceptic and a theist are not symmetrical vis-a-vis the question of God's existence. This is because there exists a large body of scientific data as well as a number of logical arguments that point to the existence of God.

The findings of modern cosmology, for example, with its Big Bang theory strongly suggest a transcendent cause behind the universe. We now know that the universe originated at a certain time in the past. At the same time we also know – from observation and intuition – that whatever begins to exist must have a cause. The cause of the universe, then, could only be something to which we usually refer to by the term God.

Likewise, the more we learn about the immense complexity of the cell, the more it becomes obvious that even the simplest form of life could not have arisen spontaneously by chance. That's why – when pressed to say how he thinks life originated – Richard Dawkins suggested that it may have been seeded on this earth by aliens. It is truly hard to believe that a serious scientist would even entertain such a fantastical speculation. This is, however, what happens when even intelligent men try to avoid the obvious implications of science. They start talking about aliens and such.

Needless to say, atheism is a self-defeating position, which can be easily demonstrated with a few pointed questions. But agnosticism is also less than a solid stance, since it is merely an attempt to evade the findings of logic and science. Not wanting to admit the obvious, the agnostic says it is impossible to know.

Regarding the Big Bang causal argument, for instance, many agnostics contend that causality may have not applied at the birth of the universe. But this is merely a cop-out, because the same people would never question causality in any other area of life or science. In fact, if you suggested that causality may not apply in biology or geology or chemistry, the agnostic would laugh. The only area of science where he calls causality into question is cosmology. He has no good reason to do so other than wanting to evade the fact of God's existence.

A similar kind of evasion takes place in biology when it comes to the question of life's origin. Here skeptics often paint all kinds of fantastic scenarios such as Richard Dawkins' appeal to aliens. Needless to say, such speculations have no basis in science and are unworthy of those who consider themselves scientifically minded.

So to answer my commenter friend: Can I be absolutely certain that God exists? Science and logic make his existence seem very likely. If I wanted to relinquish my beliefs, I would have to – among other things – question causality and perhaps even bring in an alien or two. For someone who respects both scientific findings and common sense this is a difficult thing to do.

But if you wish to be more than just a rational theist whose belief is based on science and common sense, there is a way to know God more intimately. It is by personal revelation. If we sincerely turn to God, he will reveal himself in our hearts. He told us so himself: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Born and raised under communism, Vasko Kohlmayer is a naturalized American citizen. He has lived in several countries under various forms of government, but he still marvels at the goodness of God and the wonder of life.

He has written for a number of newspapers, magazines and internet journals. Vasko currently lives in Europe with his long-suffering wife and two beautiful daughters. He is the founder of The Christian Writers Foundation.

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